Mobile: 15967161673
Address: 183 Chunhe South Road, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, China
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It is believed that when many businesses look for packaging factories to make jewelry paper bags, there is only one requirement for the public welfare of printing, that is, precision. The precision mentioned here is the accuracy of color, but very few factories can provide very accurate handbag customization effect to merchants, especially in four-color printing, handbags in the head and tail parts will appear relatively large. The color difference, which makes many businesses have doubts, so Xiaobian today to share with you, why four-color printing paper bag customized products often appear this phenomenon.
First of all, a very important and important prerequisite is that the purchase of four-color printing ink, four-color printing ink will seriously affect the quality of ink or powder spray jewelry paper bags custom-made color effect, first of all, a very serious problem is oxidation, many times, not the master or operator of handbag production is not serious, but oil. Ink material problems, just after the allocation of CMYK value, the printing effect appears very close to the design, but after about an hour or more, the humorous effect of this value will be oxidized, color change will occur. Generally speaking, lighter is a common form. This is a typical ink problem, which results in the color deviation of handbag. Reason for difference.
Then there is the problem of color matching, which is commonly known as color matching. In many cases, the master of color matching can only follow the color of the sample or the design draft by comparing the color of the sample or the design draft. The color matching can be done by the machine as far as possible. But the most critical step in this process is the step of manual proofreading, which means manual proofreading. The probability of deviation is very large, because there are many uncertainties, such as different lighting, printing materials, different colors and so on. But this step is usually taken by some very familiar masters, so it reduces the probability of deviation of jewelry paper bags.
Address: 183 Chunhe South Road,
Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, China
Mobile: 15967161673
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